Typical Applications
Embankment construction
Vertical drains may be used to accelerate settlement of embankments for roadways, railroad tracks, runways, or bridge approaches which must be put into operation very soon after construction is completed. Presettlement can greatly reduce long-term maintenance costs that would result from extended periods of settlement during the life of the project.
Underwater consolidation
Vertical drains may be used to accelerate settlement of soil below water level. The differential pressure created by the surcharge is as effective under water as on land. This technique can be used in preparation for placing tunnel sections in a river bed, for example.
Tank farm foundations & material storage areas
Because of high unit loadings, liquid storage tanks are subject to settlement in soft soils. Vertical drains used in conjunction with a horizontal strip drainage can provide rapid soil consolidation prior to construction. Storage sites for solid materials – coal, ore paper – also can benefit from vertical drainage prior to use.
Landfill Areas
Fill is often placed behind sheet piling walls or cofferdams for use as docks or industrial sites. Vertical drainage is an effective method to accelerate settlement thereby making the site available for use in the shortest possible time.